Air pollution in London exceeds the World Health Organization’s guideline levels. Burning wood, coal and other solid fuels at home emits dangerous pollution known as fine particulate matter (often referred to as PM2.5), which is a known carcinogen and can cause asthma, heart disease and other serious illnesses affecting our lungs, hearts and brains. Exposure to particulate air pollution can also trigger the symptoms of existing health conditions.
Current evidence suggests there is no safe level of PM2.5 particulate matter air pollution and domestic wood burning contributes 17% of London’s PM2.5 air pollution.
To raise awareness of the health impact of wood burning (and other solid fuels) the London Wood Burning Project (LWBP) undertook a Health Impact Evaluation that assessed and monetised these impacts across the Greater London region.
Domestic solid fuel burning can be both a contributor to outdoor air pollution and a cause of indoor air pollution as levels of PM2.5 pollution can be three times higher in homes using wood burning stoves. This can have a significant impact as people in the UK spend 80-90% of their time indoors, 60% of this at home.
Some of the key findings of the health impacts evaluation are that every year PM2.5 causes the following health impacts:

The annual monetised impacts include:

There are many organisations supporting or conducting research into the health impacts of PM2.5 pollution:
- The British Heart Foundation are funding research into the links between exposure to PM2.5 pollution and poor cardiovascular health and has encouraged the government to strengthen their commitment to improving air quality
- The Alzheimer’s Society are examining research linking air pollution and dementia
- The Stroke Association estimate that 21% of strokes are caused by air pollution.
- Asthma + Lung have information on how air pollution, including from wood burning, can affect your lungs.
- The Chief Medical Officer, Professor Chris Whitty, refers to the impacts that wood stoves can have on air quality in his 2022 Annual Report
- Defra has a full explanation of air quality and its impacts.
- Mums for Lungs are campaigning for an end to the use of wood burners and have produced awareness raising materials
- Global Action plan led a campaign to raise awareness of the dangers of wood burning
- Doctors + Scientists Against Wood Smoke Pollution raise awareness and have resources about domestic wood burning